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Vlad in Tears | Cheeno

Stadt / City Hamburg 
Land / Country Germany 
Datum / Date14. April 2010 
Bildergalerie / Picture gallery VIT_Cheeno 
Photos: Samira Alinto 

The Italian gloomy rock band Vlad In Tears and Cheeno from Saarbrücken are virtually unknown in Germany, so it came as no surprise that after an almost empty venue in Cologne, only a few people showed up in Marx, Hamburg.

The warm-up, Cheeno, was not particularily surprised and played their set after the 20 minute maybe-some-more-people-will-show-up–wait and ended playing for 10 people. Cheeno exists since 2005 and though they won some prizes and some of their members are old Autumnblaze members, the group led by Jennie Kloos is quite unknown. A few years ago Cheeno could have come a greater distance in the music industry with their sound, which is a mix between Guano Apes, Die Happy, Lacuna Coil and All Ends. As this musical trend is almost gone, their road will probably not be an easy one. The guitarist, Joey Siedl, -who also writes fairy-tales to the songs- started off a band with his colleagues from Autumblaze and hooked up with Jennie Kloos –who is a trained singer hailing from the musical scene. Basically what spoiled the act was her attempt to show off with her voice, which ended up hurting a lot of eardrums. Her normal singing, however, did not sound that bad without the earplugs and showed similarities to Sandra Nasic. Within the lyrics one finds a wagging forefinger and a lot of emotions, which will be put into the upcoming CD “2FaceMacy” –which was also nudged into the direction of the audience at the end of the show.

When the main act, Vlad In Tears, took the stage, there were almost 20 people in the audience; two of them were blond girls, who came from Austria to see the Italians live. The singer, Kris Vlad was really irritated at the meagre audience, and started off quite annoyed. With a gloomy sound and the occasional rock-melody accompanied with Kris’ voice –which was like a mix of a lot of Finnish singers- Vlad In Tears set off with an often successful concept. The band looks like wannabe-vampires from the rockabilly-era with a singer, who reminds one of a short Ville Valo. The bass player, Dario, aka D! had some problems with his ax and after he got it fixed, the music had a tad bit too much bass, but was otherwise consistent; considering it was Marx, the sound was supreme. A set of keyboards and perhaps a female back-up vocalist could be a very good addition to the band. Even if the venue was quite empty, the gig went quite well and leaves one hope of seeing them again.

An interview with Vlad In Tears is right here!

Samira Alinto, translation: Ozzy Aikas

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