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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -


Titel / Title Disguised Vultures 
Label Metal Blade Records 
Total run time
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen / already released 

Almost three years after the release of their debut record, „Hated“, the Swedish Sister are back with a new record titled “Disguised Vultures“. At the latest, after seeing those guys live, it´s clear that the foursome know how to rock and how to entertain any crowd. And this is exactly what they were going for also with their new album, which was again recorded under the supervision of Martin Sweet and Linus Nirbrant. While the band´s debut was overall a very melodious, the new album is bit more raw – of course, there are still the guitar melodies one is used to from Sister and they couldn´t do without the fast beats and dirty vocals either but the new album sounds a bit more snotty and has a rougher tone. Although besides the pre-release single and video of the song “Sick” there are other very good songs on the album – for example, “We Salute `Em” – the album, in general, sounds for me a bit rigid and bogged down. That´s not really bad but something is missing to give me this WOW factor that I got with their last album. All in all, “Disguised Vultures” is a great record that maybe was done under a bit too much pressure to outdo the awesome debut.

Sandy Mahrer

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