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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -


Titel / Title Shadows 
Label AFM Records 
Total run time

Sinbreed from Germany are playing fast, melodic Heavy Metal. Fast, melodic but without keys, unicorns and other bullshit – and this sets them apart from nearly 99% of the Melodic Metal scene. The pillars of their sound are the fast guitar riffs from Flo Laurin and Marcus Siepen, the similarly fast drum patterns of Fredrik Ehmke and Herbie Langhans´ rough voice. Since having listened to the first notes of “Shadows” I have been trying to come up with other bands sounding similar to Sinbreed. Up until now, none came to my mind – neither from Germany, nor from abroad. The longer I think about it, the more I think that, very early in their career, Sinbreed found something that most acts will never find in life: a unique sound!

Already the opener “Bleed” is a perfect example: The sound is fast, hard, not easy and sometimes even very hard to consume. The choruses do not jump into your face and you have to listen to many songs multiple times until you really get them. But tracks like “Leaving The Road”, “Black Death”, “Broken Wings”, “Far Too Long” and the already mentioned “Bleed” become bigger and bigger the more often you listen to them. And Sinbreed have a real weapon of mass destruction in their armament: “Call To Arms” is epic and full of pathos without being cheesy in any kind.
Interestingly, the songs always have their greatest moments when the speed is a bit reduced and the guitarists let some chords sound instead of firing fast staccatos. Please more of those changes in the future! In the future, there should also be more backing vocals (especially in the choruses) and more guitar leads, which wills surely add new dimension to the tracks, making them more memorable. Also on my wishlist: I´d like to have one or two quiet moments on the record – perhaps a totally uncheesy ballad. However, “Shadows” is definitely recommended to all fans of German steel. Also friends of heavier stuff should give it a try!

Timo Päßler

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