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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -


Titel / Title Pimentola 
Label Violent Journey Records 
Total run time
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen / already released 

A bit less than two years ago, Valonkantajat released their debut „Tuomittu Elämään“. Now the Finns are back with “Pimentola”. The record featuring eight new songs is, like its predecessor, quite melancholic, and even non-Finnish people, who don´t understand the lyrics or only parts of them, will get the meaning of the songs, transmitted through the songs´ atmosphere. The band, once again, relied on the same concept as with their debut. And that´s great, they didn´t desperately try to reinvent themselves but wrote songs that just poured out of their minds and souls naturally - melancholic, deep but still, again and again, with a touch of strength and fighting spirit. It is hard to describe what makes Valonkantajat´s music so special; maybe it´s the great guitar solos, the distinctive voice of Jakke Nikkilä, which is now even more powerful and versatile than before, or it is simply the whole package. “Pimentola” is very sentimental and emotional but musically, it´s also very heavy. Valonkantajat tell a story about luck, understanding and that one knows to appreciate these things only when they are gone. The only little minus is the fact that there are only eight songs on the record, I had hoped for 2-3 more. But still, “Pimentola” is a great record that is a brilliant continuation from the excellent debut.

Sandy Mahrer

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