STALKER - Printversion
- Rezension: AUDIO CD -


Titel / Title Time Machine 
Label Echozone 
Total run time
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen / already released 

As announced with the release of their EP „Start the Machine“ half a year ago, LowField are back with their full-length record titled “Time Machine”. They obviously listened to me and so, luckily, only three of the six EP songs made it to the album. Unluckily, those three songs are also the only really thrilling songs on the entire album. The band is certainly not bad and the singer´s voice has a high recognition value but somehow the spark didn´t ignite. I listened and listened, waiting that the guys pick me up and surprise me but unfortunately it didn´t happen. Soundwise, LowField are on the right track- they surely know how to use their instruments - but I miss that certain something. What it is, I cannot say. Those who like Indie Rock should take a listen and see if the sparks fly for them. I think the songs need a bit more power here and therem but “Someday”, ”Vertigo” and “Start the Machine” are very good songs, easy to sing along to. And “Green Garden” is a duet with a female singer whose voice fits perfectly to singer Uwe´s.

Sandy Mahrer

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