STALKER - Printversion
- Rezension: AUDIO CD -


Titel / Title Over The Moon 
Label unsigned 
Total run time
84 min 
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen / already released 

I´m not really sure where to place Loonatikk but their own description - “Swing Rock ´n´ Roll” - seems quite fitting. After six albums and one EP The Southern German band now presents a double CD and this one is packed with good music. It is fresh, light and groovy but also offers hard guitar riffs that invite the listeners in and makes them curious to hear more.

The music somehow reminds me of a time when petticoats and big hair were in fashion but at the same time it sounds new and modern. There are always guitar riffs and driving drums that make the songs recognizable but they are still different enough to retain variety. Without having spent much time on analyzing the lyrics, I have the feeling that someone is telling me a story with these songs, that they are somehow connected. One topic I noticed is changes. The opener “Five Minute Break” let´s us know how after these five minutes everything can have changed and later we learn that “Small Miracles And A Few Mistakes” can happen in only five minutes as well.

The song titles alone make me curious to hear the songs and it´s worth to listen to the words being sung here. Yet, the album works just as well without going into details regarding the lyrics. The music tells a story of its own and the voice is not only pleasant but it is neither too dominant in the mix nor too much in the background so it´s easy to hear it as an additional instrument. This goes well with the music and turns each song into a very listenable unit that does not lose any of its appeal even after multiple listens. Quite the contrary, the album just gets more interesting, because there are new details to be discovered every time. Off the top of my head I cannot think of any other band with a similar sound. Just listen and be surprised. Song to check out: “By Popular Demand”.

Tracklist CD 1:
1. A Five Minute Break
2. Over The Moon
3. To Fall Out Of The Sky (And Land On Your Feet)
4. Small Miracles And A Few Mistakes
5. Fallin´ Leaf And The Loss Of Gravity
6. By Popular Demand
7. A Promise in Every Unspoken Word
8. On A Cool Seabreeze Morning
9. A Book And Something (Almost Like A Chair)

Tracklist CD2:
1. For All The Words Unsaid
2. Ticket For A Busride Home
3. Find All There Is To Find
4. Sleepless In Your Presence
5. Blueprint For Lover´s Eyes
6. TheFirst Snowflake Of Winter
7. Something To Wake Up To
8. Can We Say Love?
9. Tell It To The Raindrops
10. Like Paintings In My Art Gallery

Stefanie Oepen

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