STALKER - Printversion
- Rezension: AUDIO CD -


Titel / Title Ceol ón Mhuileann 
Label unsigned 
Total run time
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen / already released 

The band Versengold might have a name in the medieval music scene but it still is less known that Pinto von Frohsinn (member of the mentioned band, Versengold) has his very own project. In a really short amount of time, this album has been put together. The expectations were high before the very first spin as the audio teasers had already whetted my appetite.

It all starts with “The Burning Of Auchindoun“ – Pinto shows very well that he can easily be a standalone singer, his vocals are backed up and playfully wrapped in a nice melody – played with traditional instruments. The song manages to take the listener far away from the boring and grey daily life, to another world that matches this beautiful piece of music. Also with “Johnnie Cope“, a popular ballad that stays in one´s mind due to its catchy melody, Pinto uses his great vocals to give the song a new feel. Besides all the danceable pieces of music, with a lot of drive, there are songs that make you want to sit back and dream: “Tre Svenska Valser“ is very quiet and melodic. The fully instrumental song conquer one´s heart very quickly. Yet it does not stay that quiet for long, as the band focuses again on a healthy mixture of music that makes it hard not to dance but that is still full of strong melodies. With „Monaghan´s Jig“, whose melody might be pretty familiar to most of us, Ganaim successfully gave a classic a fresh coat. Fittingly, the nursery rhyme “I´ll tell me ma” closes the album, consisting of ten songs. One might know this song in many different versions, with many different melodies, and this is why the song needed a few spins until I had gotten used to this version – but in the end, it was one of the most played songs of this album.

You can clearly hear that each and every song was recorded with heart, soul and loads of enthusiasm – and during all the sessions, the origin of the songs was firmly kept in mind and not pushed aside. Hence, everyone with only the slightest interest in Celtic Folk should quickly go and grab their last coins to invest them in this album.

Carina Ullmann

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