STALKER - Printversion
- Rezension: FILME - MOVIES -


Darsteller / Actors Gerard Butler, Lena Headey, David Wenham, Dominic West 
Regie / Director Zack Snyder 
Total run time
Vö / Release
FSK/not under:
bereits erschienen/already released

The heroic epos 300 based on the comic novel by Frank Miller (Sin City) is the first real action blockbuster this year. A merciless massacre, showing the story of 300 Spartans, led by their king Leonidas (Gerard Butler), and their hopeless fight against the army of the Persian king Xerxes (Rodrigo Santoro). In this historic battle at the Thermopylae they were said to face more than 250.000 opponents.

The Spartans of ancient Greece are a nation of warriors. They start their drill with the age of seven, in order to fight and die for Sparta as heroes. King Leonidas is also raised that way, and when Persian ministers ask him to surrender to Xerxes, this proud Spartan sees no other way than killing all messengers. As the oracle refuses support of the main army, Leonidas leaves only with his 300 Spartan "bodyguards" to face the army of Xerxes. With strategy and bravery the Spartans fend off wave and wave of enemies - only by treachery the Persians finally manage to defeat them.

This film, just made in a studio and at the computer, is as fascinating as Sin City a few years ago. A kind of artificial atmosphere, just like a painting was created, which has the massacre somehow appear less bloody. This visual style brings the film closer to the comic novel original, quite fascinating for the audience and one of the reasons why I think this film is great. Excellent action cinema you just wish to see more often.

Ulrich Wermke; transl. Klaudia Weber

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