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Van Wolfen | Wolfgang Michels | Dede Priest | Brixtonboogie - Hamburg Sounds NDR 90,3

Stadt / City Hamburg 
Land / Country Germany 
Fliegende Bauten 
Datum / Date14 Nov 2011 
Bildergalerie / Picture gallery HamburgSounds_2011 
Photos: Samira Alinto 

Blues Rock was the name of the game in the Fliegende Bauten in Hamburg. Strange but funny lyrics, good vocals and even great guitar riffs with a lot of Blues on the side was the product of the performances of Brixtonboogie, Van Wolfen, Wolfgang Michels and Dede Preist. It´s not necessarily the place for STALKER, but we saw Van Wolfen earlier on and we didn´t want to keep him away from you because he really rocks!

The blues evening started off calmly with the soft, smoky, but powerful voice of Dede Priest and her guitarist, Raymond Nijenhuis. Although her voice wasn´t as powerful as that of a opera or R´nB singer, it held the kind of power and personality akin to Tracy Chapman. Furthermore, her whole demeanour and stage presence gave off a warm, tangible air of sympathy. (oa)

Foto: Samira Alinto

For more Dede Priest-photos check here!

Before the pause the rock veteran Wolfgang Michels and his young band jumped on stage and showed that Blues has many faces and that his version rocks. It was really great to have Michels –the German Bob Dylan- not only introduce his band, but he also showed a lot of respect to the future torch bearers, with whom he delivered a harmonised performance. (sa)

Foto: Samira Alinto

For more Wolfgang Michels-photos check here!

Van Wolfen´s performance showed the audience just how deep the roots of rock go into blues. The chances of finding an authentic blues song done in German seems slim to none, but he proved everyone wrong with the song “Ich wollte nur Milch kaufen”, which revolves around a man´s mission to buy milk in Berlin and the constant bombardment of temptation from the bars on the way. What do you know? A German blues song AND it´s funny. It wasn´t just the vocals, that were entertaining, but Micky Van Wolfen´s incredible skill on the six-string; Billy Gibbons from ZZ Top had heard Van Wolfen play and stated that Van Wolfen was born in the wrong country. He was not the only musically talented person on stage; Warren Dawson, the former bassist from Ike & Tina Turner, Contrabassist „Evil Michi” and singer Masha Litterscheid together with the man himself produced a quite spectacular show. (oa)

Foto: Samira Alinto

For more Van Wolfen-photos check here!

Perhaps the worst blow to Brixtonboogie was all of the pre-hype. The moderator amongst many was wondering how one could incorporate a DJ and a rapper to a blues band. When the music began, it was plainly obvious; it´s Rhythm and Blues. This is the reason as to why we are not evaluating the show –a predominantly Metal magazine reviewing a R´nB performance doesn´t quite fit. Nonetheless, the show was very well executed and the evening came to a vibrant crescendo with Dede Priest joining them on stage for the closing act, “One Time”. (oa)

Foto: Samira Alinto

For more Brixtonboogie-photos check here!

All in all the evening went really well and the out of ordinary atmosphere of the circus tent from Fliegende Bauten is definitely worth a visit. A Metal concert would fit in pretty well too!

Samira Alinto (sa) & Ozzy Aikas (oa)

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