STALKER - Printversion
- Rezension: KONZERTE - CONCERTS -


Stadt / City Helsinki 
Land / Country FIN 
Sture 21 / Bar Bäkkäri  
Datum / Date20. + 22.01.2012  

Actually, it`s not a long time ago that we admired Caroline on stage in Vantaa and interviewed them afterwards. The then announced live-hiatus fortunately didn`t last that long, instead there was a surprising change in the line-up: Bass player Cheri left, to be substituted by none other than Santa Cruz` Middy. But as he is still a "Cruz Boy" and as such will soon tour snowy Finland with The Poodles and White Corona, this commitment might be of temporary nature. What a pity `cause it works as if "the second Ville" (that`s what Caroline fans call Middy, due to his resemblance to guitar player Ville) has always been in the band...

Another visual surprise is tonight`s band outfit: "White is beautiful" seems to be the motto, at least for frontman Tommy Gun, drummer Palfinger and Ville. But the guys only look well-behaved: In order to get the "Good Time Party" started, Tommy not only jumps around on the stage but also on the seats and tables, right after the opener "Hang Up". After further songs like "Afraid Of Heaven", the very felicitous "Tease You Honey", "Sweet Sweet Rock`n`Roll", "My Life / My Way" and "Treat Me", the few dancers in front of the stage get a lot of company for "Rock`n`Roll Cliché": All of a sudden, "Sture 21" is dancing, jumping and headbanging like there is no tomorrow. Naturally that´s the case for the following Rolling Stones-Cover "Jumpin` Jack Flash", too...

Only two days later, we will experience the whole thing again, as an acoustic version at "Bar Bäkkäri". On Sunday evening and as a trio, Tommy, Ville and guitar player Simo are performing e.g. a cover by T. Rex ("Get It On"). The probably most relaxed way to finalise a wild party weekend. Who stayed at home instead to struggle with his / her hangover from the previous night: Well, that`s bad luck. That applies also to those who are missing their numerous concerts on a regular basis, `cause if there is one thing that has become quite clear already at "Sture 21": Even from batcave punks to goths to ordinary people, Caroline make really everyone dance with their bluesy Rock`n`Roll. And that`s quite an achievement, especially in a country where the audience is usually too cool to let its hair down...

+ photo: Stefanie Singh

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