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Negative | Black Sonic Prophets

Stadt / City Berlin 
Land / Country Germany 
Columbia Club 
Datum / Date08 Sep 2005 
Bildergalerie / Picture gallery Negative_Berlin_2005 
Photos: Anna Routsis 

Tonight they perform here in Berlin, in the legendary Columbia Club and the fans jostle in front of the entrance already quite early: Negative are in the capital.

It is still puzzled who would be the support for the band. Then a murmur spreads - the guys were just sighted in the backstage area.

The Black Sonic Prophets from Liechtenstein eventually open the evening as the support and present their debut. Even without light effects they put the songs from their first EP across brilliantly. With good know-how and phat sound they convince the crowd. Especially with the song “Broken” they take the crowd in Berlin by storm. The sound of the song “The King” reminds partly of Korn but also P.O.D.

Well prepared it now switches over to the main act. After a short break Negative rock out. Already after a couple of minutes it is clear that the guys from Finland are an excellent live band.

You feel reminded of the best times of Axl Rose, Slash and also Aerosmith. Singer Jonne takes up a crooning dialogue with the ladies in the room. The solo parts of guitarists Larry Love and Sir Christus literally outdo each other. The fondness for several changes of clothes like Axl Rose once becomes clear very soon, too. Songs like “Still Alive” or “Frozen” let the tempers bubble.

After a proper encore the concert finishes on a high note with the song “Goodbye”.
The band disappears from the stage in the mist and one thing is clear: Whenever Negative come back – it will last too long.

Anna Routsis

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