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I Like Trains + Der Rest

Stadt / City Hamburg 
Land / Country Germany 
Datum / Date1 November 2012 
Bildergalerie / Picture gallery Knust_01-11-2012 
Photos: Andreas Torneberg 

Eerily tinged pop from Leeds for the dreamers among the intellectuals, for the mentally dancing among the non-dancers, for those, who like to drift through the spooky historical fright: In fields of cultivated horror and psychedelic neatness of their music, lyrics and videos move I Like Trains.

For this year´s concert at Club Knust they took as support the Hamburg poetry-rock band Der Rest into the foamy ghost ship. Matching a kind of similarity to I Like Trains, Phil Taraz presents his poetry with cautious vocals that appear like a melodious recitation, at times interrupted by leaping up sung choruses.

The rest has a new CD at the start "Willkommen im Café Elend". As Taraz says, darker than before. Live, just rockier and rougher. The many stage shows in the past two years have caused a stir in the music. What remained was the introversion, with which the brooding food was offered to the audience.

Der Rest played 40 minutes a mixed repertoire of songs from their debut album "Der Tisch ist gedeckt" as well as - appetizing - from the new disc. A good introduction for the following headliner from the UK.

It went on dreamily thoughtful, less rocking, therefore psychedelically. After the removal of the residual Der Rest-equipment, the floor of the stage filled rapidly with a lot of effect devices and footswitches for guitars, to make the sound expanding entering the musical galaxy in which I Like Trains let their tunes float.

But so haunting and dark as in their music videos, the British were not live on the road. The sound was much stronger grooving, the songs were played straight, but possessed like in the studio-work a magical depth. Three guitars and two - by two of the guitarists played in parallel - keyboards rolled out a carpet of sounds, which made it easy to sink inside.

This was British "pop" music at its best, a genre that seems to develop, if for example one think about the fellow countrymen And Also The Trees - stories poured in music, not for the abdomen, but for the reproductive organs of the soul: the imagination; a beautiful, quiet, lyrical, restrained rocking evening.

More photos in the gallery above!

Andreas Torneberg

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