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Rock Hard Mania

Author 20 Jahre Rock und Metal im Überblick Band 1 
Verlag / Publisher Rockhard Verlags- und Handelsgesellschaft GmbH 
Vö/Releasebereits veröffentlicht/already released 

First observation: this books stinks terribly! It seems to have come straight from the printer’s, as I suddenly developed an awful headache after flipping through it for five minutes! But ok, it’s the content that matters, and that’s what we’ll be discussing! A sort of a ramble through 20 years of rock and heavy metal awaits the owner of this 288 page book. From the roots of metal, the scene, photo specials (some of which I would have preferred not to see...) to just about every band of the genre I can think of, this book is richly filled with funny, absurd, typical, but also interesting metal histories, stories, interview etc etc etc. Also worth mentioning, is that it contains „The best of the 100 first Rock Hard issues reprinted with commentary“. By all means recommendable, although some buyers will be put off by the price of 29,90 €.

Melanie Warnecke

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