STALKER - Printversion
- Rezension: AUDIO CD -


Titel / Title 10.000 Worte 
Label Brainrox Records 
Total run time
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen / already released 

It appears that with Giftig from Leverkusen we deal with a band who in a not too remote future could belong to the daily radio programme. In any case, a clever promotion strategy as well as TV appearances in German television isn´t hindering, concerning this matter. That those kinds of things usually don´t tell a lot about the quality of the band is generally known. In fact, Giftig is a band that already exists for four years; they mix different influences but you could grossly call their music German-speaking rock. That means that the songs also have heavier elements which are, however, largely weakened by the heartache lyrics and Karina´s a bit too gentle voice (which on “10.000 Worte” reminds a lot of Sabrina Setlur [a German rapper] but isn´t continued later) and slip (at least in my opinion) at times into trashy areas. Essential parts of Giftig´s music are scratches, which really are a matter of taste and the electronic elements for example on “Befrei meine Seele” aren´t down my alley either. Altogether the whole thing appears exertedly rocky; they want to but they can´t achieve it.

Worth mentioning is surely the song “Fallen Angel” that was published earlier as a single. An extremely catchy tune that will stick in your mind and which, in my head, is already played on the radio. The CD also contains an unplugged version of this song which I, however, find rather dispensable. The other unplugged version for “Mein Herz schreit nach dir” is, in my mind, by far better.

Therefore, it´s not my cup of tea but it will surely find its purchasers.

Jasmina Schreck, translation: Kathleen Gransalke

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