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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -


Titel / Title Mimic47  
Label Drakkar Records 
Total run time
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen / already released 

Another Finnish band that is pretty famous in their home country but so far couldn’t make it beyond that borders. Although – or maybe because of the fact that – they don’t really sound „Nordic“ but rather American and feel at home in old school metal.

On „Mimic47“ are both thrash with mainly bellowed growls and also more melodic parts and clean vocals that remind a bit of James Hetfield. Generally, Rainer Nygård is very variable in his role as a singer but this is not yet taken to their full advantage and so the usual growlings dominate which I personally can’t really get used to. Altogether a powerful and aggressive-disturbing album which at the same time sadly comes across a bit dreary. „In Sorrow We Trust“ surely stands out as a quiet, reflective song and also the title track can convince and surely wasn’t without a reason at the top of the Finnish single charts for 3 weeks. However, it doesn’t really knock you off your socks either.

By the way, on the German version of this album is an extra cover of the Duran Duran song „A View To Kill“ which back then was used for a James Bond movie.

Jasmina Schreck, translation: Kathleen Gransalke

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