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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -


Titel / Title Liar Flags 
Label Massacre Records 
Web n.a.
Total run time
Vö/Release24 Mar 2006 

Spain is not quite the center of Viking Metal, therefore it´s even more interesting to listen to Runic from Castellón. „Liar Flags“ is the first full-time album of that band after they had released an EP in 2000. And right after the first riffs you think of a name, Thyrfing. Besides the fact that singer Juan has a voice similar to Thomas Väänänen, everything seems to be like this Swedish band first, yet later changes because of flute and bagpipe and the trend to medieval sounds. Later besides the usual shouting you can also hear intense Deathgrowls, even later female voices are added. Every time listening to the album you discover something new, and some of the instruments recorded there I cannot even identify. Yet „Liar Flags“ sounds heroic most of the time (because of those keyboard fanfares) and the sound of clashing swords identifies the genre that those guys are into.

Viking Metal with Folkelements is certainly nothing new, but Runic appear a bit more cheerful than their colleagues from the North. Only „To The Fallen Ones“ starts off more melancholic but has an unexpected twist.

If you like Thyrfing and Ensiferum you should check this one out. Listen to: „When The Demons Ride“, „Last Days Of Agraphur“.

Jasmina Schreck, translation: Klaudia Weber

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