STALKER - Printversion
- Rezension: AUDIO CD -


Titel / Title Tears, Love, Religion. 
Label Something To Listen To 
Total run time
Vö/Release23 Jul 2006 

Funny how music can sometimes be "too perfect", but this is the case with the Sundealers album Tears, Love, Religion. Everything is just a little too calculated and grandiose. In rock music this easily kills the passion and energy and makes it all seem a little phoney. Rule #1: You can´t please everyone so don´t even try!

Well, this said, Sundealers have a good chance of becoming fairly big because they´re shamelessly breaking that rule! Oh yeah, and because they have some good songs too… Even though I´m annoyed with the lack of balls I have to admit Sundealers write songs that have potential to please the masses. Under the wannabe roughness are some catchy choruses that I bet will please teenaged girls. This is perfect MTV metal and I´m afraid the fans of "the real thing" will see right through it. But good luck! Hope you have the money to make the video this music needs to reach it´s audience…

P.S. I hope the song Sweat is supposed to be a homage to John Lennon… (Sounds a lot like Cold Turkey!).

Saskia Meerbaum, translation: Klaudia Weber

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