STALKER - Printversion
- Rezension: AUDIO CD -


Titel / Title ReAnimated Absurdity 
Label Self-financed demo 
Total run time
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen / already released 

Young vampires from Eastern Finland will certainly attract all Goths and other dark-at-heart creatures. Letting go of the fact that it´s a self-made demo and the sound quality can surely be improved (I imagine even the live version is extremely vivid and impressive), ReAnimated Absurdity is a really beautiful and very touching 5-song demo. Accompanied by a classic (and very rare these days, especially in Finland) vampiric appearance, which on the whole makes it a really worth of a good look, and if given a chance, will certainly hypnotize you into their dark world... Given that in this country most bands concentrate on heavy and aggressive overall sound, Serpenthia stresses the sensual aspect of their art and convey it with theatrical charm most known from now sold-out, but previously stunning Cradle of Filth. Whereas one band if totally going commercial and stepping over all the listeners´ values, the youngsters are crawling out from their shadowy corners and in some years will firmly and soundly step upon the dark-metal stage…

Damriel on vocals uses a mystifying combination of screams, speaks, whispers and growls to create the utter sound of deep underground and misty nights – just lovely, so fresh and innocent, really, compared to their older colleagues in the scene.
Macabre highlights of the demo are “Essence of Sanity” and “In Time of Morbidity” – Dani Filth can be very proud of his young students.

Of course, as any beginner band, Serpenthia is still to mature and develop, perfect its own sound, as in places the melodies are simple, where could be heavier and more sinister for this genre. Yet keep in mind that the band´s most members are under 20 and have even this far done an excellent job!

Don´t overlook the coverart also: even though the sound and lyrical content is very gloom, the cover is on the contrary very colorful, at first sight anyway… but then look nearer and realize what is hidden within – very engaging addition to this already twisted band.

Marina Sidyakina, translation: Klaudia Weber

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