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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -

Crack Ov Dawn

Titel / Title White line 
Label Equilibre 
Total run time
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen / already released 

Angry alternative teenagers´ newest release begins kind of promising, yet continues to disappointing remaining 10 songs. “Amazing” what poetical-torture the writer must´ve gone through when composing those lyrics: words “f*ck”, “sh*t”, “sl*t”, “mother-f*cker” and various forms of those make up on average every 5th word of their texts. At the beginning it sounds even aggressive, but soon gets on your nerves and you just want to tell the kiddies to grow up! Especially the 7th song (In My Veins) is a good example of it…
Track 4 “Love Injection” sounds awfully familiar (catchy- catchy), something you´ve surely heard before and just can´t remember – thank you, dear American MTV – this genre is especially popular these days with young rebels.
The title track “White Line” is ok among the rest, even melodic and for once on this album, has the least swear words in it. Listenable. Another apparent highlighter-headbanger of the CD, track 8 (Bastard City) has some drive and a clear attempt to rock: usually those make a good video or fans´ favorite live song, yet on the record it sounds too plain and boring – “nothing for me” indeed.
The album´s closing song “New-Dead World” is somewhat interesting, sounds the most thought-through anyway, or by the end of this album I´ve just learned to ignore simple lyrics and the bands´ expression manner.
Among their own (rebellious teens) peer group, Crack Ov Dawn surely has the potential – something younger brothers & sisters can listen to, before discovering more serious and heavier alternatives.

Marina Sidyakina

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