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Icon Clan

Stadt / City Hamburg 
Land / Country Germany 
Datum / Date05 May 2006 
Bildergalerie / Picture gallery IconClan_Hafenklang_2006 
Photos: Saskia Meerbaum 

It was a warm dry Friday evening, and in Hamburg played six good bands at the same time, who battled each other for audiences. No good situation, so nobody was really astonished about the limited crowd that gathered at Hafenklang.

The band from Finnland took it easy and played with their new bassist a full set, obviously having a lot of fun. They even provided a special birthday song for a fan who had travelled from Finnland to Hamburg with „Drink, Fuck, Rock“.

Who wasn’t smiling at once about the not-so-serious Rock that trio played, couldn’t definitely help it when they added the Cover-Songs „Johnny B. Good“, „Pet Cementary“, „Somebody“ and „Hier kommt Alex“.

Their charismatic singer handled the chorus quite without accent, but if you don’t speak German you might do quite cute mistakes. I’d like to hear a German band singing in Finnish and then watch the Finnish audience’s reaction.

A lot of fun!

Saskia Meerbaum, translation: Klaudia Weber

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