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Terminator - Salvation/Die Erlösung

Darsteller / Actors Christian Bale, Sam Worthington, Anton Yelchin and others 
Regie / Director McG 
Total run time
Vö / Release
FSK/not under:
04 June 2009

After the third sequel, hopes fort this film were definitely not high; in „Rise of the Machines“, the audience was treated to an unexpected comedy. The latest Terminator however is nothing like it –thank Gob.

The story takes place in 2018, when the war between man and machine is well on its way. The human resistance is fighting a seemingly futile battle against the forces of Skynet and a vital key is found, that could turn the tides of the war. There are still many mysteries to be unravelled, including the ominous presence of a former inmate, Marcus Wright (Sam Worthington).

Just about all of the actors preformed really well –Sam Worthington in particular. Christian Bale´s (John Connor) previous performances in movies such as “American Psycho” were incredibly brilliant, but lately he seems somehow stiffened up. Never the less, he did perform quite well. Another star is on the rising in Hollywood, and he goes by the name of Anton Yelchin (Kyle Reese), who already proved his talent in films like “Charlie Bartlett”. Her acting wasn´t worthy of an Oscar, nor was it bad, but Moon Bloodgod (Blair Williams) has a really cool name.

However, a couple of things within the movie rubbed me the wrong way. The writers of this film seem to have had done their jobs really well, but then some marketing dick wanted the film to be touching. Thus drama was needed and it was added in the really wrong way, resulting in cheese. Some scenes in the movie (I would say which, but that would ruin the movie for you) were just too cheesy. Another thing is the action scenes. Not only in this movie, but in a lot of action movies it happens that there is a huge, strong bad guy, and when he fights, he merely throws people around. In this movie we are talking about a robot, who could grab your throat and just *snap*. But for the sake of being logical, it throws the one it is designed to kill about 10 times instead.

As a whole package, this film was great. It seems that even if one has a name as ridiculous as McG, you are able to direct movies; great ones like this and crap like Charlie´s Angels.
In the end, it must be said, that had I paid for the movie ticket, I would not have been disappointed at all. Of course there were a thing or two here and there that could have been done better, but it was a very pleasing movie. Had I not seen Terminator 2 when I was 11 years old and worshipped it for some years, I could almost state that this was better.

Ozzy Aikas

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