STALKER - Printversion
- Rezension: AUDIO CD -


Titel / Title Conspiracy In Mind 
Web Nuclear Blast
Total run time
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen / already released 

This Norwegian trio is still very young , but with their debut album „Conspiracy In Mind“, they present a wonderful mixture of progressive power metal with doom influences. It’s a bit reminiscant of the brilliant Psychotic Waltz. The Norwegians combine good guitar work with at times piercing melancholy and despair, and at other times thrashy passages. Singer Oddleif Stensland manages – like his colleagues – to achieve great diversity within the songs; he sings softly and delicately one moment, and loudly and powerfully the next – it certainly doesn’t get boring. „Conspiracy In Mind“ can definitely be recommended to fans of progressive power metal, who aren’t afraid of excursions to other musical genres.

Robert Seyfert

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