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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -


Titel / Title Spiritual Apocalypse 
Label Metal Blade 
Total run time
Vö/Release10 April 2007 

Spiritual Apocalypse, the new Album of Florida Death Metallers Monstrosity, has already raised some attention, because of notable musical guests like Melodic Rocker Matt La Porte (Jon Olivas Pain/Circle II Circle) and John Zahner (Savatage). And their fifth album stands up to those expectations. It convinces with brutal Death Metal but never becomes primitive or leaves out harmonies.

Even the opener, the title track "Spiritual Apocalypse" represents their excellent technique: the guitars impress with heavy pounding chords and many soli with a touch of classic, the drums with blast beats and double bass attacks. Yet the songs never sound superficial but remain interesting and sophisticated compositions.

Aziza Schwenke

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