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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -

Remember Twilight

Titel / Title Der Tolle Mensch 
Label Zwergpiraten Records 
Total run time
Vö/Release25 May 2007 

Remember Twilight is yet another medieval metal band from Germany. Not that there´s anything wrong with the genre itself, but for bands like this it becomes harder and harder to be intresting enough. And ufortunately Remember Twilight doesn´t quite have what it takes to stand out.

The MCD “Der Tolle Mensch” has five pretty mediocre metal songs spiced up with violins and oboe, but apart from the “extra” instuments the music doesn´t have too many characteristics. The songwriting doesn´t take in count all the possibilities that the line-up has to offer. The “medievalness” never leads the songs but always seems to have to follow the quite dull metal, which makes the unusual instruments more a filling than something unique. It sounds like a Rammstein rehearsal demo with a chambermusic orchestra instead of the synthetisizer. And how many times can you use the word dead?

The last song is a remix of the opening song I.I.I. done by Kärtsy Hatakka and Janne Immonen from the Finnish band Waltari.

Remember Twilight has potential if they embrace their streanghts, that is by taking a few more risks in the songwritng and not being afraid to sound a little “silly” from time to time. When you´re playing music like this you can´t afford not to!

Sami Iivonen

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