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War Horse | Gefährten

Darsteller / Actors Jeremy Irvine, Peter Mullan, Emily Watson, and many more 
Regie / Director Steven Spielberg 
Total run time
Vö / Release
FSK/not under:
16 Feb 2012

"Saving Private Fury" or rather "Saving Private Black Beauty" – more shouldn´t be said about this tear jerker. Spielberg steals from his own archive, the story of "Saving Private Ryan" simply that James Ryan is replaced by Joey the horse which is given the CV of Black Beauty (for all of you who can´t remember this story: a horse grows up in a good environment, becomes friends with a boy who is separated from him later on, goes through a bad time, wins a friend in the form of another horse, which dies nastily, meets a lot of nice and not so nice people, is finally almost dead but then rescued by the boy) and takes place in The First World War – et Voila!

The story: Set against a sweeping canvas of rural England and Europe during the First World War, War Horse begins with the remarkable friendship between a horse named Joey and a young man called Albert, who tames and trains him. When they are forcefully parted, the film follows the extraordinary journey of the horse as he moves through the war, changing and inspiring the lives of all those he meets-British cavalry, German soldiers, and a French farmer and his granddaughter-before the story reaches its emotional climax in the heart of No Man´s Land. The First World War is experienced through the journey of this horse-an odyssey of joy and sorrow, passionate friendship and high adventure. --(C) Dreamworks

The film "companion" (War Horse) The only point I can give is for the beautiful scenery. The rest is simply unbearable, tear jerking, cheesy, crap. For ten-year-old girls this movie probably hits the spot with the pretty horse story, but the war scenes push up the age limit to 12. Dreadful!

Samira Alinto

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