STALKER - Printversion

Hatesphere | Six Reasons to Kill | Bloodwork | SIC

Stadt / City Hamburg 
Land / Country Germany 
Datum / Date21 May 2009 
Bildergalerie / Picture gallery Hatesphere_Sic_Hamburg_2009 
Photos: Samira Alinto, Niina Lindholm 

An evening full of total thrash is what every good christian child needs to warm his lonely soul and this one was wicked as hell. All bands that performed went along the same thrashy line as the likes of Pantera and Sepultura, and they threw in some of their songs too.

The boy wonders from the Faroe Islands -SIC- had the bad luck of having to play as soon as the doors opened - giving them a meagre audience. This stroke of bad luck merely fuelled their performance which was rage incarnate. This worked up their audience to a maniac stupor, it took about 5 minutes to get a moshpit going and after another 5 minutes the entire audience was in. Having to play as soon as the doors opened was not their only problem; apparently Mikkjal, the singer, had suffered from a sore throat for the past week, but this was only evident by the lack of talking to the audience.

Bloodwork was an interesting case. They followed with similar aggression within their music but produced one of the most interesting covers of all time –Gangster´s Paradise. Just try and imagine the rap song as a Metal cover - brilliant. Their Pantera songs got the crowd quite hyped up and their own tracks didn´t sound too bad either.

The only evident problem with Six Reasons to Kill was that the band looked like they were mechanics and office salesmen on holiday. Of course playing massively outweighs looks and they played well. All of the players were skilled, especially the lead guitar and the music itself sounded quite good.

Not surprisingly, Hatesphere delivered nicely. They worked up the crowd and almost got a circle pit materialising within the meagre dance floor of Logo. There really is little to no room for criticism. SIC paid a surprise visit between some of the songs to pay homage to those responsible for having them play too early –by mooning at them.

At the end of the day, all of the bands preformed really well and a lot of hyped-up, satisfied faces crawled out of the venue. It was definitely worth the raging hangover that was the morning after.

Ozzy Aikas

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