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Inkubus Sukkubus and the 7 Deadly Sins

The goth-wiccan-rock legends, British Inkubus Sukkubus, are like a whole unique (and very pleasurable) sin of its own, given that this band are active practising Wiccans. Thus no wonder when introduced to Stalkerīs concept of the Seven Deadly Sins, Candiaīs response, with a twinkle in her eyes and unhidden enthusiasm was “Interesting!”

(all laugh)
Adam: itīs going to be published, is it? What would you say? Hey, you go first, I just look for my lighter... Is it if weīve experienced envy?
Candia: envious of... hm... (takes a pause) Thereīs envy on a very deep level, thereīs envy if somebodyīs got nicer hair than you! And thereīs deeper envy when someone seems more content, or happier... So yeah, weīve definitely experienced it. When Iīm having a crappy day and you see someone very happy.
Tony: I donīt try to envy other people, itīs obviously not very healthy. But of course you do envy, especially when you see people have things when they donīt deserve them, but still, itīs something you should not do. Everyone will always have something more and better than you, thereīs always gonna be somebody, isnīt there? I think as long as you can believe that you can have what theyīve got that you want, that can be even seen as a positive thing, but you think “I canīt...” thatīs not good at all, then youīll just feel about yourself and never get anywhere anyway.
Candia: right! We create our own fortune. So when I catch myself feeling envious of whatever the people have done with their lives or their happiness or whatever, then I can think itīs my fault and I can do something about it, so donīt just leave it in the lap of the Gods and make your own changes.

Candia: oh, guilty-guilty-guilty!
(all laugh)
Tony: sloth... I think you can always do more with your life, but itīs easier just sit all the time and think about things, instead of going ahead to actually do them. I couldīve probably learnt six languages by now, if I put my mind to it, īcos my parents are linguists, well my dad is, so yes, Iīm guilty of that I would say.
Candia: sloth perpetuates more sloth, it becomes like a downward spiral I think. So weīre all guilty of that at certain times, and you have to recognise you are and try to find energy to pull yourself out again. Itīs very easy just to let yourself slip into it.
Adam: thereīre different types of sloth, isnīt there? Itīs not just sitting around and not doing nothing, itīs perpetuating in the same loop and you may be doing something quite active, but itīs not going anywhere, and you know it is but you just keep doing it, in the same loop over and over again.
Tony: thereīs also intellectual sloth, which leads directly to ignorance, not thinking and understanding things properly.

Candia: (thoughtfully) yeah...
Tony: I actually think itīs actually good for people to be a little bit vain. You have to be careful not to become obsessively vain, but a little bit of vanity is very good for people, for your self-esteem. Often if youīre feeling good about yourself, someone may accuse you of being vain, but thatīs just them being jealous of you. It also affects how you act with other people, it stops them from being depressive and self-centred. I mean if people are a little bit vain, they are happier and therefore a better company.
Candia: thereīs the case of having to love yourself before you can love others, and then others can love you. But the trick is keeping it in check and not to become too absorbed. I think to a certain extent we are all vain...
Adam: I think we are quite vain people, to a limit of course. Not as vain as some people in our business I suppose.

Candia: greeeeeeeeed... That can be linked with envy, I think. Itīs wanting more than you can have, which can be a very destructive thing. Essentially itīs wanting more than you actually need, which is probably the most damaging of the whole seven deadly sins, I would say.
Adam: yeah! Thereīs nothing wrong with actually wanting stuff, but itīs when you donīt really need it, then it becomes dangerous. Iīm greedy for pleasure all the time, also when I was younger, which leads to problems, drugs, drinking and all that, when youīre in the rockīnīroll.

Tony: lust is a natural thing, because without lust, and especially sexual lust, people wouldnīt procreate. You have to have that lust in you.
Adam: I think the most problems people have are with people who are too lustful, and thatīs that envy again. I suppose if there was no lust, there wonīt be any people here.
Candia: no? I think this is one of the most positive sins...
Adam: I think a lot of people feel quite unhappy and generally a lot more guilty about being lustful that anything else. More people feel more guilty about that than say, about being greedy or slothful.
Candia: I think of it in Iggy Pop sort of way, that lust for life is a form of life energy, having passion and energy, which is quite the opposite of sloth. Lust is showing you that spark of energy and youīre wanting to do something, live life to the full, so yes... Obviously there can be downsides too, but on the whole, I think itīs the best one of them all.
Adam: I think from all the seven deadly sins, lust is probably the one being pushed the most by the religion to be the sin, whereas in fact itīs the only one in fact about being a human. So as opposed to the philosophical trait, itīs more the religious trait, so itīs difficult to put your head around lust as a sin really.
Tony: it also depends on what the lust is directed towards, what the object of lust is... For instance if itīs sheep or something, it becomes a problem...
Candia: what?!?! Sheep?!!? Where did that come from?!
Tony: itīs true! Some people have lusts which are very unconventional and it causes them a lot of trouble and thatīs dangerous...
Candia: letīs talk about the sheep later, shall we?
Tony: About sheep, I wasnīt talking about me. Itīs just some people have lusts which are completely unacceptable and so you canīt just say that lust is the most positive thing always, because for many people it causes a lot of trouble...
Candia: unless the sheep loves you back equally, itīs ok then.

Adam: itīs difficult to get your head around gluttony, cos itīs tied in with greed. I canīt say that Iīve really experienced gluttony...
Candia: oh, I have!
Adam: ...except for getting completely pissed.
Candia: yeah!
Adam: because getting stupid drunk is pure gluttony, isnīt?
Candia: for me gluttony is when I really know I donīt need more, but thereīs a table full of alcohol and you just canīt stop. Your body is saying īnoī, but... So thatīs a form of gluttony I think. Itīs just you see it there and it just says īdrink me, drink meī...
Tony: itīs because youīre brought up not to waste food...
Candia: ...not to waste Jägermeister...
Tony: ...and your parents tell you īyou better eat that up, there are children in the 3rd world...ī
Candia: ...children in the 3rd world whoīve never tasted Jägermeister and youīve a full bottle of it...
Tony: so you grow up, conditioned to eat all that you get, because you are brought up that way. And the same with drinking, I suppose. Letīs say youīve a pint of beer and thereīs a bit left at the bottom and youīre about to go home, but then you end up sort of drink it anyway, you donīt want to waste it.
Candia: when we drink, we first talk a lot, then we argue, and then wanting to explore places! Itīs this kind of urban exploration, go out when the sunīs almost up and go check out the surroundings...
Tony: Iīve fallen out of a hotel window, two floors up, walking on a rain pipe actually, so yeas alcohol can lead to death, I suppose...
Candia: none of us are nasty drunks though, no.

Adam: Iīve never really experienced strong anger, except for people who stick to rules and never see common sense. You know what I mean when I say traffic warrants and things like that? They give you a ticket for no reason and stuff like that, The only time Iīve really ever lost my temper was at a time like that.
Candia: anger – yes, once a month I experience that! Ladiesī week.
(all laugh)
Tony: I try just not to flare up, which sometimes I suppose I should.
Candia: once every five years you do.
Tony: yes, once every five years and when Iīve had enough, it comes out. Maybe if I lost my temper more often, it wonīt be so bad when I do.
Author: Marina Sidyakina, transl. K. Weber, Photos: Inkubus Sukkubus
Date: 2009-09-08

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