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- Reviews: AUDIO CD -


Titel / Title The Arockalypse 
Label Drakkar Records 
Total run time
Vö/Release03 Mar 2006 

Another monster invasion. The third, strictly spoken, leaded by front-monster Lordi, that attempts world domination. This is why the intro of the five Finns’ new album really tries to scare us. Yet you can be sure, and it might be obvious, that Lordi look much worse than they really are, and that they enjoy huge show effects (especially live on stage).

Yet there are some news, in the line-up as well as in costumes. There are new bandmembers on bass and keyboard, and for the visualisation they had some new ideas, of course quite scary ones. Moreover, „The Arockalypse“ features many studio guests, namely Twisted Sister-singer Dee Snider who participates in the Intro mentioned above, his band colleague Jay Jay French contributing to „Chainsaw Buffet“, Ex-Kiss-guitarist Bruce Kulick (at „It Snows In Hell“) and – the most obvious - Udo Dirkschneider (Accept), who offers a nice contrast to Lordi’s creaky voice at „They Only Come Out At Night“.

Their third album continues Lordi-style mixing Hardrock and Metal with typical tongue-in-cheek songs like „The Deadite Girls Gone Wild“ or „The Kids Who Wanna Play With The Dead“, slow ballads („It Snows In Hell“) and total sing-alongs á la „Would You Love A Monsterman?“, here for example „They Only Come Out At Night“. Sometimes the songs cannot keep up the album’s quality; “Who’s Your Daddy?“ is definitely a much weaker track. Nevertheless for me „The Arockalypse“ is much better than the previous two albums „Get Heavy“ and „The Monsterican Dream“, even though the advance Promo copy didn’t include the songs „Hard Rock Hallelujah“ and „Bringing Back The Balls To Rock“. The reason was Lordi’s participation at Eurovision Song Contest, and releasing the material before the competition was prohibited.

Check out: „It Snows In Hell“, „They Only Come Out At Night“

Jasmina Schreck, translation: Klaudia Weber

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