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Pagan Fest 2008

Stadt / City Pratteln 
Land / Country CH 
Z 7 
Datum / Date10.04.2008 
Bildergalerie / Picturegalerie Paganfest_2008 
Photos: Sandy Mahrer 

Let´s go back to ancient times, into the world of myths and legends where heroes were born. Where dragons, werewolves, fairies, trolls, witches and warlocks dwelt. Where war tribes conquered lands, leaving behind only death and destruction. Where King Arthur, his sword Excalibur and his Knights Of The Round Table wrote history. Where outcasts, witches and others were chained in dungeons, waiting to be beheaded, burt or hanged. Where people were looking for the Holy Grail, the Golden Fleece and other treasures that promised eternal life, youth, magic or limitless power. And who did not die in battle or in a famine was ravished by pestilence. But still they knew how to party, with wine, brew and good food, song and dance. And in the same spirit about 1700 Pagan Metal Fans had come to the concert hall. Unfortunately I missed the first band Naastrand.

Those hunks come from Faroese Islands. Their Viking Metal / Folk Metal is a mixture of rather slow Heavy Metal and wonderful Faroese ballads. Singer Heri Joensen performs not only in his native language but also in English, and with a passion that might impress also war god Tyr, who gave his name to the band. The Pagan party people cheered to the band with their drink horns and most of them would have wanted to see more of this band.

Greetings from Finland. Once again we could see which musical talents this nation far up North has to offer. Moonsorrow combine Finnish Folk and heavy Metal riffs in an ingenious way. And it is of course the Finnish language and those aggressive lyrics that add a special flavour. Songs like Raunioilla, Unohduksen Lapsi, Sankaritarina took the audience over.

Also those guys come from Finland, and their name stands for "clan from the woods". And it is exactly this right-from-nature cheerful appeal that characterizes their performance of Folk Metal, which is based on traditional music. The lyrics deal with mythology, party and nature. And when singer Jonne Järvelä outs on a smile, it is like a beam of sunlight that kisses the waves of a Finnish lake - it lights up the stage and gives this band this likeable and cheerful appeal, going nicely with their music.

This means "carrying a sword" in Latin. But no Roman outfit, this time the Finns wear nothing else but Kilts in their national colours white and blue. And somehow their looks are somewhat distracting, should you now stare at the naked upper body or rather check out if they wear their Kilts inthe Scottish fashion... but Petri´s growls soon take you back to business. Still, all those Finns seem to confuse my mind, or is it the heat and the smell of beer? Or because of the huge crowd, where some people began to dance? Ensiferum definitely rule this evening with their Heroic Folk Metal - as they call it.

A great concert has to end prematurely, as I have to get up early, therefore Eluveitie have to enter stage without me.Therefore all what´s left to say - see you at the next Pagan Fest.


Sandy Mahrer

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