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- Rezension: KONZERTE - CONCERTS -

Pain / Zonaria

Stadt / City Saarbrücken 
Land / Country GER 
Datum / Date17.10.2007 
Bildergalerie / Picture gallery Pain_Zonaria_2007 
Photos: Cornelia Wickel 

Pain have been ominpresent this summer, nearly no festival where Peter and his band didn´t play. For all, who still didn´t have a chance to see them live or simply can´t get enough, there´s yet another chance to see them on the actual tour.

A concert during the week is always an exasperating thing. How exasperating it is, became once again clear, when seeing those few people (approximately 100) showing up for this Swedish package of Zonaria and Pain at the Roxy in Saarbrücken. Thus this gig was quite a relaxed and cosy thing. A pretty small stage, no (photo)pit and so the bands were "within reach" in the truest sense of the word.


Despite those conditions the audience stayed quite far away from stage, while the opener was playing. Zonaria entered stage nearly in time and gave their best to get the audience going. Unfortunately first hardly anybody banged their heads even a bit. Maybe it was because the Swedes were still some kind of insider tip here in Germany, since they were just promoting their debut album "Infame And The Breed" on this tour. As you might´ve already guessed and expected from a Swedish band, they played nice Melodeath, and you could clearly hear that those guys are big fans of Peter Tägtgren's other band Hypocrisy. In addition to that vocalist Simon Berglund reminded me of Alexi Laiho (Children of Bodom). Similar guitar, slightly similar vocals, and when it comes to posing he surely copied a few from the Bodom-squaller.

When they came to the end of their set, the crowd finally started moving, some started headbanging and three headbangers even moved to the front of the stage. It wasn´t surely the bands fault or a lack of engagement that the audience was so lazy. Guitarist Emil jumped from stage during one song and kept on playing there - well there was space enough, as mentioned before... Well, Zonaria didn´t invent Melodeath anew, but it sounded pretty fresh and unconsumed - I´m sure we´ll hear some more from those guys after this tour!


After a long break - and believe it or not, finally the crowd had moved towards stage and was really standing close to the front - Peter and Co entered the small Roxy stage. The whole mood was totally different from the start. People were singing along like crazy, headbanging and raising some horns. Well, no wonder, since everybody should know by now that Pain play perfect partymusic. Those who still didn´t go at least a bit crazy during songs like "Dancing With The Dead", the Rammstein-like "Walking On Glass" or "Bitch" were definitely doing something wrong. After the gig the crowd remained persistently in front of stage and started screaming for an encore. Since Peter wouldn´t be Peter, if he didn´t come back for some more songs. But after that the audience still wanted more, even though some were already on their way out, Mr Tägtgren came back asking "You still don´t have enough?!" and started playing the song "Greed" from the selftitled very first album "Pain". Not only I must´ve been pretty happy about this song.

Unfortunately the party was over a few minutes past 11 o' clock, way too early. This concert was nevertheless a good one, but it wouldn´t have been bad, if they had added a third band to the billing. But well, there was enough opportunity to dance, headbang and to go crazy nevertheless. At least my neck could tell a story or two about that the next morning and bestowed me some Pain. ;-) All jokes aside, if you still have the chance to catch them live on this tour, go there and have fun!

Cornelia Wickel

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