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- Rezension: KONZERTE - CONCERTS -

Kalmah / Profane Omen

Stadt / City Helsinki 
Land / Country FIN 
Datum / Date14.02.2008 

The PROFANE OMEN and KALMAH gig was part of the International Metal Meeting and in a way marked the start of the Finnish Metal Expo the following weekend, hence the massive presence of the press. Yet Tavastia was far from full.

Profane Omen

Pretty much on time, around 10 p.m., the first sounds of Profane Omen’s current EP “Disconnected” could be heard and the band appeared in the flesh. Singer Jules Näveri charged around the stage in his usual style as if there was no tomorrow, earning bonus points for his vocal ability. It is always surprising to be aware of the voice coming out of this guy, never mind the range. Add to this his scene-stealer qualities and the show is perfect.

The overall and versatile sound of the band is equally convincing. Despite the aggression, some catchy melodies are not lost. Unfortunately, due to the lack of a big audience, the atmosphere fizzled out and was not quite what it could have been. Despite that, a small moshpit did not go unnoticed. In any case, Profane Omen proved once again that they are definitely worth catching live.


constituted the main act of the evening. The band started off with bombastic sounds and played on in the exact same manner, one guitar solo following another in rapid succession, interrupted by ostentatious keyboards. Clearly way too much fussing around on the guitar for my taste. Lead singer Pekka Kokko’s vocals left a lot to be desired as well. No variation in his voice, with each song being screamed into the microphone in one pitch.

All in all it was so ostentatious and over the top that everything just mashed together into one ongoing brew. KALMAH surely consists of decent musicians but just proving how wonderfully fast you are able to play guitar and thus stumbling over what could possibly constitute beautiful melodies, just does not cut it. There was also no stage show to speak of. Everyone stood as if nailed to the stage and none of the gents displayed much staying power on the stage. After less than an hour the ‘racket’ was duly over.

Clearly this was a case where the support was much better (PO: 9/10 / Kalmah: 4/10). Summary

Sabine Koch, transl. Juliette Roques

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