STALKER - Printversion
- Rezension: AUDIO CD -

Vom Fetisch der Unbeirrtheit

Titel / Title Psychohygiene 
Label temple of torturous 
Total run time
62 + 46 min 
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen / already released 

A quite and in many aspects extraordinary album lies in front of me. Even though Vom Fetisch der Unbeirrtheit hail from Germany, their debut album is released via the Chinese label Temple of Tortures, which I have never heard of before. Something else I notice right away is the beautiful design of the double CD album in DVD format.

After checking out the booklet and listening to the record, one thing quickly became clear: this is a band of the more extreme kind. Generally, their music seems to belong to Black Metal but Vom Fetisch der Unbeirrtheit also try to develop their own, unique sound – it didn´t however, work very well. Especially the first two songs come across very clumsy with their staccato riffing and all those tempo changes. The unconventional singing, though, is what catches my ear most. The best description of it would probably be „choked“. Depending on interpretation, it, in the better case, would emphasise the sick psyche, in the worst case, it is only laughable and, in probably all cases, it is extremely annoying after a certain time.

Everything changes on CD2. Not only the vocals are way more tolerable, the whole genre is switched. Still, the Dark Ambient and Noise mix is not exactly brilliant either but it´s solid and carries the extreme and sick lyrics better than the songs on CD1. I just wonder why there actually is this strict division of genres at all. Wouldn´t a mix of all genres have made for a better, a more unique sound? The only song with which a mix was tried on CD1 is Non-Narkotikum, and this is also the song that indeed sounds best (here the vocals are not that annoying either, which probably contributes to the fact).

With their debut, Vom Fetisch der Unbeirrtheit have made a record that is only suitable for people who are looking for something pretty weird. Everyone else should stay clear.

Recommended tracks:
CD1: Non-Narkotikum
CD2: Psychogramm

Antipodensystem I (CD1)
1. Filterlose Trunkenheit
2. Anschließendes Verstummen
3. In erigierter Abgründigkeit
4. Non-Narkotikum
5. Infantile Sinnesfrüchte
6. Zerrissenes Stück Hirn-Masse
7. Geistesinfarkt

Antipodensystem II (CD2)
1. Annäherung: Wechselwirkung - Bipolar
2. Schändungszyklus
3. Infantilismus II
4. Psychogramm
5. Ein toter Wurf
6. Epitaph
7. Imperativ: Kategorische Zerstörung, XIIIx losgelöst
8. Du magst solche Szenen
9. Die Kybernetikfunktion der Psychohygiene

Andreas Fuchs

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