STALKER - Printversion
- Rezension: FILME - MOVIES -

Last King Of Scotland, The

Darsteller / Actors Forrest Whitaker, James McAvoy, Kerry Washington, Simon McBurney, Gillian Anderson 
Regie / Director Kevin MacDonald 
Total run time
121 min
Vö / Release
FSK/not under:
bereits erschienen/already released

1971 the young doctor Nicholas Garrigan (James McAvoy) decides to leave Scotland and starts to work for a mission in Uganda. After a short time he meets the new ruler of the country, Idi Amin (Forrest Whitaker). When he has a car accident with a cow, Garrigan happens to pass by and takes initiative: He takes care of Amin´s injured hand and shoots the wounded and suffering cow.

Amin is excited about this young Scotish doctor and invites him to become his personal physician. He is genuinely fascinated by Scotland and offers the doctor unexpectedly a new luxurious life. Garrigan accepts and enjoys it fully, first without any doubts towards his new mentor and employer.

However, it does not take long until he realizes what happens to the people around him and witnesses events that show Idi Amin´s real character. He has to fight for his life.

What acts of inhuman brutality happened in Uganda 1971-1979 during Idi Amin´s dictatorship cannot be described. More than 300.000 people lost their lives in terrible and cruel ways. The film shows the perspective of a fictious white character and does not reveal those brutalities.

Only the outstanding performance of Forrest Whitaker and some scene at the end give a hint of what happened. Whitaker received almost every possible film award including a Golden Globe. He was also the top candidate for the Oscar, and he definitely deserved to get it. He manages to be scary, especially in dialoges with James McAvoy, in whom he finds a partly equal partner. Because of all those excellent performances down to the support roles and authentic settings this film is fascinating. A documentary of an unspeakable crime in recent history that still has it´s actuality.

Ulrich Wermke, transl. Klaudia Weber

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