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MAGNA VICE album release gig, support Violet Code

Stadt / City Turku 
Land / Country FIN 
Datum / Date31.8.2013 
Bildergalerie / Picture gallery Magnavice_13 
Photos: Johanna Ahonen 

Magna Vice´s first album, Serpent of Wisdom, was celebrated on an album release gig back in the end of August. The band had booked the best rock club venue in Turku for their concert and there was a bit of a nervous buzz going on before the gig, as I talked a bit with the bassist of the band, Robin Jansson. Would there be enough people, would they like what they saw and heard?

Turned out the guys need not have worried. There was a good crowd and also the "old school prog rockers" had found their way to Klubi. How can I tell they were old school? Well, let´s just say that I wasn´t the one with the longest hair at the venue, heh.

Magna Vice had a really interesting supporting act, a fresh band called Violet Code, playing before the main event of the evening. The band played Dream Theater -like prog rock and even though it apparently was the female vocalist´s first live gig ever, they made a very good impression on me. I´m hoping they´ll have some material coming out in the near future, would love to hear more of them.

Magna Vice, on their turn, played almost a two hour set. Their brand new album in its entirety and then some. Very enjoyable. I was under the impression that the rest of the audience had a good time, as well.

The stage show had been well planned, I was especially impressed by the visual side of it all. The band had created thought provoking video materials to be shown on the background, adding to the message of the music. They used iconic images of wars, religious symbols, American presidents, Western pop culture characters - a flow of visual information combined with the lyrics and music created a great atmosphere. This was not the "turn your brains off" -kind of a gig.

I would certainly say that Magna Vice would deserve a proper tour with this material. They play with skill and dedication and their music really echoes the past decades of classic prog.

Johanna Ahonen, transl. S.Mahrer

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