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Henry Rollins (Spoken Word) - Keep The Hate Going Frankfurt
A salute to the route planner! If I would have had to ask directions to get there, I would probably still be trying to find the place... With a lot of dumb luck, I arrive shortly after the doors open, actually manage to snatch a front row seat and get myself a nice glass of wine. Inside, there was room for about 600 people and smoking ... more/mehr


Hevisaurus Helsinki
Hevisaurus is the new Finnish Metal/Hardrock phenomenon, featuring Finnish lyrics: Two totally sold out shows at Nosturi, Helsinki, and in December 2010 their new album Hirmuliskojen Yö (The Night of the Scary Lizards) became # 3 in Finnish charts; it is also nominated for Emma, the Finnish music prize. There´s one extremely remarkable ... more/mehr


HIM secret castle show Bückeburg
Heavy guitars between angel statues and marble columns

For the ninth time in a row N-Joy presented one of their infamous secret concerts. This time on the mic the Finnish gothic rockers from HIM. Now you probably ask yourself “how secret can a gig like this be?” After all, it was so secret that not even the press got to ... more/mehr


HIM | The Rasmus | Negative in Berlin Berlin
It sort of came down to a mass gathering of screaming, black-clad teenies and their accompanists who stood afflicted in the background. The first joint tour from HIM and The Rasmus is a meeting of the Scandinavian gothic rock giants whose 2 singers as sex symbols drive the fans crazy. The rock´n´rollers from Negative ... more/mehr


HIM | The Rasmus | Negative in Hannover Hannover
HIM live Hannover

The at the moment hottest Finns together on tour? When this got public in October 2005 one thing was clear: Suomi power will raise the roofs of German venues. Three of the at the moment hottest gothic rock bands are on a European tour since February now and account for one or the other hot flash with many ... more/mehr



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