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M.A.N. + Nemhain + The Cumshots Hamburg
A fat pack of hot boiled guitar rock was what has thundered in the club Logo. Ahead to warm up played the support from Hamburg EXHUME THE HATCHET with singer Johnny, who had arranged for the organizing label Tiefdruck-Musik this M.A.N./Nemhain-Tour. His band wasn't mentioned on the posters, but fit very well with its metallic ... more/mehr


Machinae Supremacy / Mysore Helsinki
Such things can happen: although the Swedish band Machinae Supremacy had been around for a couple of years and albums, it was their latest release “Rise of a Digital Nation” that raised my attention ( review here ) , so that I had to check them out when ... more/mehr


Mad Juana / Tundramatiks Helsinki
If you ask Mad Juana about their musical style, you will get the answer that it only ends up in stereotyped thinking if you start to name genres - and that`s not good. Alright. To give you a better picture of their music anyway: Mad Juana is a band consisting of seven musicians who serve an acoustic guitar, an electric bass, a saxophone, ... more/mehr


MAGNA VICE album release gig, support Violet Code Turku
Magna Vice´s first album, Serpent of Wisdom, was celebrated on an album release gig back in the end of August. The band had booked the best rock club venue in Turku for their concert and there was a bit of a nervous buzz going on before the gig, as I talked a bit with the bassist of the band, Robin Jansson. Would there be enough ... more/mehr


Manilla Road / Devastracktor / Speedtrap Helsinki
A legendary gig of a legendary band from Wichita, Kansas, USA, whose shows in Europe can be counted on one hand, including the one on this evening... therefore it was difficult to guess how far their popularity in the Finnish capital would reach (more about Manilla Road in the STALKER ... more/mehr



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English Deutsch STALKER MAGAZINE inside out of rock´n´roll