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The Tea Party The Ocean at the End
Fans had to wait for a decade - Canadian The Tea Party had called it quits, but 2011 the trio got back together for some gigs at festivals, then a tour – and now the moment has come to rejoice and celebrate the release of their 8th album “The Ocean at the End”. I had described this panic-after-ecstasy feeling already elsewhere – ... more/mehr


The Ugly Slaves to the Decay
Up for some really black rough stuff from Sweden? Those who just answered this with "Yes" are surely at the right adress with The Ugly - even though I have to admit this album artwork made me think of some Death(core) band, rather than Black Metal. But how´s this nice saying: the inner values count... Well, and those are abysmally ... more/mehr


The Unravelling 13 Arcane Hymns (preview)
Progressive metal rock from Calgary, Canada, Alberta “the wild rose country“ – but the roses here have thorns and hide some secrets Gustavo De Beauville, the project´s founder and instrumentalist, with singer Steve Moore try to unravel. But that´s for sure: it´s not going about easy listening radio mainstream, no, we´ve got here ... more/mehr


The Way Of Purity Crosscore
This band is a little mysterium. Who are they? No idea. Where are they from? No idea (well, rumours say they´re from Sweden). No proper band picture or any other fancy stuff, that normally bands attach importance to, in order to create a complete works.
The only thing you know is that they play Death Metal, or at least you think ... more/mehr


The Webb Sisters Savages
The new album by the Webb Sisters is titled Savages. The two sisters Charley and Hattie, hailing from the UK, are truly talented young ladies. Thus, they play most instruments on their album themselves and divide their singing parts skilfully. They combine pop with original British or US-American folk elements. The first three songs ... more/mehr



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English Deutsch STALKER MAGAZINE inside out of rock´n´roll