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Diamond Dogs Black River Road
Oh, this record is annoying. It's annoying as hell. There is a very bad developement taking place at the moment: everything from the North with the label 'rock music' is being packed in big containers and shipped to the rest of Europe and everybody loves it. There are hundreds of bands just like Diamond Dogs. Insignificant ... more/mehr


Diary Of Dreams Nigredo
Almost 2 years after their great album „Freak Perfume“ with which Diary of Bands secured their chart entry and which applied the stadia rod damn high and one or another might ask himself, if the band can even leap over the predecessor album. They can!

With „Nigredo“ the gloomy men reach a new zenith. Musically the fraction ... more/mehr


Diary of Dreams Ego:X
Once again the rocker of darkness present their nomen with a fitting omen - the diary of a dreamer is made Ego:X-centrifuged as a concept-oriented acoustic movie. An introductory monologue voice of the brooding protagonist, accompanied by sinister soundtrack-like tunes, may occur in particular listeners from Germany known: Martin ... more/mehr


Die Aeronauten Hallo Leidenschaft
After 15 years of creativity, AERONAUTEN can look back on 7 records and several singles and now they are back with new material to display their talent. The 6 Swiss have become older, but not musically, because their new work seems fresh, is full of irony (“and I was laughing when our world was going down forever” on the second track) ... more/mehr


Die Familie Ohne Alles
„We drown uncle Jürgen in sangria“ (quote from „Schlafen kann ich , wenn ich tot bin“ translates as: „I can sleep when I’m dead“) and he can even count himself lucky to get the coup de grace before he has to listen to this CD. Sangria is anyway the keyword here because there’s no way you can bear that kind of music when you’re sober. ... more/mehr



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Blind Guardian / Orphaned Land
True Detective
English Deutsch STALKER MAGAZINE inside out of rock´n´roll