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Deathbound Doomsday Comfort
Ever tried to go for a nice walk at storm force 8? You really get the feeling you are walking straight into a storm when you put Deathbound's second record into your CD-player and press play. These guys from Finland hit you around the head with their death/grindcore beating for a good half hour with such aggression, that afterwards ... more/mehr


Deathchain Deathrash Assault
Thanks to the clear album title thereīs no need for anymore musical categorisation. Doesnīt matter because everything you still have to know about the record is that it rocks pretty old school-ish. Fans of Kreator, Sodom, Benediction or Bolt Thrower will love it. If there hadnīt been the quite lame production I would have even given ... more/mehr


Deathcon Monotremata
And the award fort he most brutal album goes to… DEATHCON! In fact itīs so brutal that itīs almost boring! When you put the CD on you first get blown away by the ultra-Death Metal, but the further you listen the more you get the feeling that the brutality is pretty much all this band has to offer. Of course, hats off to anyone who ... more/mehr


Deathcult Cult Of The Dragon
Black Metal, and from Norway, of course, beware! But what a positive surprise - drums sound like drums, not like a few pebbles in a tin box, guitars like guitars - there is a lot of hall effect on Hoestīs voice who sounds like puking his guts... and there are real songs, yet FAR away from the orchestral-epic Dimmu style, itīs more ... more/mehr


Deathmarched Spearhead Of Iron
When I saw those guys from Seinäjoki first at PRKL club as support of Hanging Garden and Sons of Aeon (see our report), I had noticed that they probably like Entombed – even before I spotted the singerīs t-shirt... And because I like Entombed, too, I can enjoy this debut album which provides Old School Death Metal with groove. And ... more/mehr



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