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Kalmah 12 Gauge
The swamplord has returned from the darkest fog and mist and with him he brought his subjects, brothers Kokko and co. To accompany his arrival musically, the guys from Oulu, Finland devised nine new swamp metal hymns, which can now be heard on their new, already 6th, album 12 Gauge. Due to the fact that the author of this review ... more/mehr


Kamelot The Black Halo
Help! 911, 110, 007!!! Where’s the musical police when you need them?! Bands like this should be prohibited by law, at least until only a handful of them is still out on parole. Once more you’ll get bored by a totally unoriginal power metal with a little bit of a prog sound to it. Even if you aren't a particular fan of this ... more/mehr


Kamelot Ghost Opera
Genuine talent is beyond criticism, whatever it is. Kamelot is one of those cases, simply because there is Roy Khan in it. Full stop. Once you´ll hear his vocals, you won´t have any doubts left. The capacity and ability of this man´s vocal expression is beyond all the English adjectives I know. It´s sentimental and extremely powerful ... more/mehr


Kamelot Silverthorn
I honestly have to say that I was a bit sceptical about this release, because it is hard for me to imagine that Kamelot will still have the same grace and quality without Roy Khan. But the new singer Tommy Karevik deserves a chance to be listened to.

Music-wise, Kamelot excelled themselves once again with beautiful compositions; ... more/mehr


Kapoolas Cut Down Trees (We Need An Ark)
Four young guys from Switzerland who are into Indie/Alternativ/Pop/Rock present here their debut album Cut Down Trees (We Need An Ark). Kapoolas´ music has a playful light and cheerful sound, they like experiments. The vocals sound like that, too. Besides seven songs with English lyrics they included a song in Swiss German dialect, ... more/mehr



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