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Kryn Scars Remind Me
Kryn are around since 2008 and hail from Croatia, which is actually not your typical Metal country. In their homeland, the guys have already built a good reputation but internationally, they are still unknown. After listening to “Scars Remind Me” I doubt that this will change any time soon. Actually, the album has its merits, for ... more/mehr


Kryoburn Enigmatic Existence
When you are from Carlsbad, New Mexico, a town of 25.000, there not really anything you can do besides go hunting, dig a hole somewhere in the wilderness and lie in it, or you can do something useful:
Brachial modern metal! Brothers Chris (drums) and Les Huber (guitars, vocals), Todd Brashar (vocals, guitar) and Derick Richards ... more/mehr


Kryptos The Coils of Apollyon
Kryptos are still quite unknown in Western Europe, despite the fact that they are around since 1998 and are already releasing their 3rd full-length album. But they never did more than a few festival shows and only some small tours across Europe. In their home country India, they are much bigger and have already played concerts with ... more/mehr


Kult Winds Of War
Those Black Metallers from Italy found their home with Debemur Morti.

This is indeed very well played and atmospheric Black Metal, especially in the beginning this band sounds like Satyricon. Well done! The following tracks are more slowed-down, especially "Torture" and "Seven Blades" are a bit superficial and donīt have ... more/mehr


Kult Prosto
The Polish rock-band KULT 2013: 30 years old and with the fourteenth album of their work under the people. We are talking about the band of singer and lyricist Kazik Staszewski, which has cut particularly with their sharp-tongued, Polish poetry deep furrows in Polish music history and critical thinking of various generations of students ... more/mehr



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English Deutsch STALKER MAGAZINE inside out of rockīnīroll