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Gamma Ray Land Of The Free II
The Power Metallers from Hamburg release "Land Of The Free II" as a sequel to their 13 year old mile stone. And again this CD can compete with the previous releases. Uptempo riffs and screeching guitars without compromises hit the listener with the opener "Into The Storm", with raised weapons. Here the band behind fronter Kai Hansen ... more/mehr


Ganaim Ceol ón Mhuileann
The band Versengold might have a name in the medieval music scene but it still is less known that Pinto von Frohsinn (member of the mentioned band, Versengold) has his very own project. In a really short amount of time, this album has been put together. The expectations were high before the very first spin as the audio teasers had ... more/mehr


Gaslicker - same -
Already with the band name itīs clear what kind of music style can be expected here – dirty rockīnīroll with stories about fast cars and women. But you quickly come to realise, that the band canīt quite live up to their name because all the dirt (apart from the opening snort) and a proper punch are just missing and so the Gaslickers ... more/mehr


Gasmac Gilmore Little Lucy
Nowadays you can find the most diverse pieces of music on offer. Itīs all the more remarkable when thereīs a band who really manages it to produce an album that makes you want to rub your ears in astonishment and which you canīt assign to any genre at all. The Austrians Gasmac Gilmore are such a band.

How does this actually ... more/mehr


Gates of Slumber, The Conqueror
First things first: Heroic Metal is amusing for threeish songs; then it gets slightly ridiculous. Listening to this one canīt but think of all the pimple-plagued WOW junkies, the kings of their cyber realms. One must keep in mind to not ridicule them, or one will find their computer crashing for no apparent reason.

Instrumentally ... more/mehr



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