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Psychopunch Smakk Valley
The weather is good? The weather is bad? Let´s play Psychopunch!

Put on your leather clothes and mount your bike. Now the trip to Smakk Valley can start. With their new CD, Psychopunch bring forward their latest creation. Snotty and honest Rock ´n´Roll, which drags you under their spell. It´s an absolute must-have for the ... more/mehr


Psyke Projekt, The Apnea
What the Danish guys are doing here is really heavy fare for my ears. A bastard composed of Doom (Metal), Hardcore and Independent sounds, paired with a little bit of punk attitude. To be quite honest, the result sounds unique, but nevertheless it cannot convince me. Those things called “songs” remind of recorded jam sessions: no ... more/mehr


Psyopus Our Puzzling Encounters Considered
A matter of taste. What, a result at the beginning? Yes right, the Math/Core/Jazzgrind that is served here cannot be everybody’s cup of tea – and it should definitely not be! What the four guys scrubs on almost 30 minutes ( the last 30 minutes are senseless answering machine loop till the “hidden track”), is coming close to the reasonable ... more/mehr


PTSD A Sense Of Decay
Sometimes you can hear from the very first track that this must be a masterpiece – Event Horizon is an epic-bombastic track, catchy, the clean voice has a haunting quality. And indeed, I should not get disappointed when listening further.
PTSD (it stands for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) was formed in 2005, in 2008 they released ... more/mehr


Punish Yourself Sexplosive Locomotive
Nomen est Omen. The name of the band is a program for what they offer the listeners in nearly 50 minutes. 11 songs that almost whack one over the head like a sound storm, only giving you a short time to breathe. The 4 French themselves describe this compact chaos as cyber punk. Techno with guitars is probably a more fitting way to ... more/mehr



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