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PAX 10 000 Words
Clear, melodic, traditional, everything what´s suppose to be in an average rock-band PAX has and uses. The album contains 12 tracks and a video. The purpose of the video is not clear: there´s no storyline, no message, just a shoot of the band playing what looks like a heavy song, but in fact is a dramatic pop-rock ballad ... more/mehr


Pencilcase Swingcore
The latest output „Swingcore“ of this German quartet is another grassroot Rock album, and again the guys from Aachen present their enthusiasm as well as a lot of fun and dynamics. Their songs appeal with great guitar riffs and sing-along vocals. No extreme polishing, no glam rock and eye lined eyes, but simply something unique, authentic ... more/mehr


Pencilcase Kansas City Shuffle
”A Kansas City Shuffle is when everybody looks right, you go left.“ This quote from the gangster movie “Lucky Number Slevin” is not only the title of the new album by Pencilcase from Germany but it´s probably also their life and music motto as they themselves say that they “wont ever deter from their musical profile and simply pull ... more/mehr


Pennywise The Fuse
On their new album Pennywise presents fifteen excellent punk hits. All the material is strong to powerful. The songs are all uptempo and they manage to combine melody, heavy and accessibility like it's nothing. "Knock Down", "Competition Song" and "Disconnect" are the highlights of the album. You ... more/mehr


Pennywise All or Nothing
This is it - the first Pennywise-album in the After-Jim-era. As simple as it may sound, but with „All or nothing“ they found the appropriate title. Honestly, there is much more to lose for Fletcher Dragge & Co. than to win Although they found in Zoli Téglás the best possible choice for the vacancy at the microphone, there was some ... more/mehr



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Acoustic Revolution
Loputon Gehennan Liekki
As You Wish
Inconceivable Tales from the Making of The Princess Bride
Faith No More
True Detective
English Deutsch STALKER MAGAZINE inside out of rock´n´roll