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Eclipse Bleed And Scream
Fans of the Swedish band had to wait for a long time to be served a follow-up to the band´s success record “Are you ready to rock”. Now, four years later, Eclipse are finally back with their new album “Bleed & Scram”. In the meantime, they dedicated their time to other projects. During the last few years, singer Erik Mårtensson established ... more/mehr


Eclipse Armageddonize
Can these guys do anything other than write awesome music? I don´t think so. No other band I know is able to melt original hard rock with new, modern sounds the way Eclipse do. Each song is a hit and eleven songs without a second of boredom - that is exactly how records have to sound like. Maybe this precision work is also the reason ... more/mehr


Eden Weint Im Grab Trauermarsch nach Neotopia
Eden weint im Grab is the one-man-band of Alexander Paul Blake. Four years ago he released his debut "Traumtrophäen toter Tänzer" via internet, which became pretty popular (and can still be downloaded on the bandpage), early this year the web-single "Krieg im Wunderland" followed. It was also a teaser for the second full-length recording, ... more/mehr


Eden weint im Grab Geysterstunde I
His name is Blake. Alexander Paul Blake. His mission: do dig the Eden out of the grave, sobbing and worm-infested, but despite the morbidity presenting a lunatic charm offering to a macabre poetry not unwilling audience. Formerly, perhaps in a drawer, which could be called as "Gothic Dark Metal", Eden weint im Grab developed ... more/mehr


Edenbridge Solitaire
The likeable Austrians EDENBRIDGE take off again with their seventh studio album “Solitaire”, two years after their last stunning CD “MyEarthDream”. The album starts with a symphonic intro – many choirs, many melodes. The intro follows forthwith the powerful title track of the album: “Solitaire”, which reminds at a few parts of the ... more/mehr



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