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Evoken Shades Of Night Descending
Re-Release big time once again. Displeased Records managed to release one of those records, that have left quite some impression back in the 90s for various reasons and that still leave this impression nowadays. In this case of "Shades Of Night Descending" it´s some great stuff for fans of (Funeral) Doom. To make this re-release ... more/mehr


Excalion Primal Exhale
Well, these guys from Konnevesi haven't exactly reinvented Finnish powermetal. You are too often reminded of Stratovarius etc. In spite of that (or maybe because of that) "Primal Exhale" is a very good album. Of course there's not really anything we haven't heard before, the Timo Kotipelto-like voice, the ... more/mehr


Exilia Nobody Excluded
With their second album “Nobody Excluded” the Italians want to continue the success of their debut album “Unleashed”. With speedy Nu Metal the quartet begins to rock from the first note on. But there are also exceptions: in the ballads “Your Rain” and “Fly High Butterfly” Rock chic Masha proves that she is also able to sing in softer ... more/mehr


Exodus Shovel Headed Kill Machine
After the comeback smash „Tempo Of The Damned“ it actually looked quite good for the Bay Area dinosaurs but quite a lot of line-up changes made the new album a pretty dubious issue prior to the release. But far wrong! Gary Holt proves once again that he´s still one of the best thrash songwriters who are around today. Apart from the ... more/mehr


Exodus The Atrocity Exhibition – Exhibit A
Well, no surprises here: Exodus is and always will be a thrash metal band and ”The Atrocity Exhibition – Exhibit A” proves that the Bay area veterans meant business with their comeback, especially as the release of ”Exhibit B” is planned for next year.
So, thrash metal at its purest is the name of the game. But it´s by no means ... more/mehr



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