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Human Fortress Eternal Empire
Five years have gone by with Human Fortress being off the scene, but now they are back with their third long player. The break was obviously good for them, because what you can hear is one of the best Melodic Metal outputs in recent years. And even after listening to it several times it sounds appealing, and even more. Weak songs? ... more/mehr


Hyems Antinomie
Well, the contents of "Antinomie", the new CD of the Black Metal Band Hyems (former Hiems) from German Hessen, is awkward for German Black Metal, which has to overcome many prejudices anyway.

Andreas Jäger´s voice sounds forced, sounding as if Daffy Duck tried to imitate Dany Filth, just unbearable. The rare wannabe-growls ... more/mehr


Hypnosis The Synthetic Light Of Hope
The revived Band „HYPNOSIS“ show how you botch up an album within seconds. It would’ve been better for them to keep their 6th album, after the 2006 Output “Seeds of Fate”, behind french closed doors. „The Synthetic Light Of Metal“ isn’t only production-related an absolute impertinence, also the songwriting is the opposite of amazing. ... more/mehr


Hypocrisy Hell Over Sofia (Live-CD)
First and foremost it must be said that I only received the audio version from „Hell over Sofia“; thus I can only talk about the sound and set list as there is no new material. Last year Hypocrisy recorded the concert while on tour in Sofia, Bulgaria -as the name indicates. The atmosphere at the location must have been brilliant. ... more/mehr


Hypocrisy End Of Disclosure
Few death metal outfits ever manage to create as recognizable a trademark sound as Hypocrisy have developed in the 20+ years of their career. Nevertheless I wasn´t sure what exactly to expect from their new album. Its predecessor, A Taste Of Extreme Divinity, had left me with very mixed feelings - while it wasn´t bad as such, it ... more/mehr



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