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ChaoSphere Hell Is Here
Gunshots and baby-cries are the intro of "Hell is Here" by ChaoSphere from Brazil who released the successor of their debut "The Empire Of Lost Souls". Not such a creative idea but fitting to the opening song "Welcome To The World" that sets the social criticism-tone of this record. Supported by the government and some companies, ... more/mehr


Charing Cross Promo EP for Upcoming Album “Sinspiration”
Actually, we don´t do reviews about promo EPs but with our Fresh Acts we gladly make an exception to that rule. Charing Cross were one of those Fresh Acts in March 2008. What followed was a deal with Metal Heaven and their first album We Are… Charing Cross. Now, the Swiss work hard on their second album, which is supposed to be titled ... more/mehr


Charing Cross Sinspiration
After a long waiting time, Swiss band, Charing Cross, finally release their second record titled “Sinspiration“. They worked on it for a long time so that it would be more varied and better than the predecessor “We are... Charing Cross”. And I can tell you, they didn´t promise too much. The band sounds way more multi-faceted than ... more/mehr


Chasm, The The Spell of Retribution
There are many skulls on the cover of „The Spell of Retribution“ and looking at the band pictures in the booklet, one thing becomes clear: the three guys from Chasm are not the most cheerful characters. They seem to be very serious, wear very pointy spikes on their arms and also the(what else?) skulls on their clothing bode ill. ... more/mehr


ChickPeace Tide & Pride
“Tide & Pride” is the second album from ChickPeace, but in this case, it´s better to call it a single or EP than a full-length album. Their last studio album dates back to 2012 and so, I guess, they wanted to shorten the waiting time for the new album with this output. In principle, it´s a good idea but I don´t quite understand why ... more/mehr



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