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Comecloser Is life worth dying for?
If you listen to the first song on the album „Is Life Worth Dying For?“ from the band Comecloser you immediately think: „Ok, here we have another hardcore band!“ But then; if you continue listening you realize that the five guys know more than the usual programme which they reveal in the nine following songs. The song „Pattern recognition“ ... more/mehr


Commander World´s Destructive Domination
If Deicide would play with half the speed they do the end result would be called Commander. A German four-piece featuring a female bass player who is way too good looking to be playing this music. For a thrash album that has been made a 100 times over, the half time semi progressive grooves make this a little more enjoyable to listen ... more/mehr


Communic Conspiracy In Mind
This Norwegian trio is still very young , but with their debut album „Conspiracy In Mind“, they present a wonderful mixture of progressive power metal with doom influences. It’s a bit reminiscant of the brilliant Psychotic Waltz. The Norwegians combine good guitar work with at times piercing melancholy and despair, and at other times ... more/mehr


Concrete ZemENTER
The Austrians Concrete indeed created quite a tough piece, fully in the spirit of the band´s & the 5-track demo´s name. Slegde hammers that attack your ears with a mixture of Old School Death, Thrash and Prog, and initialy this combination sounds a bit too chaotic for me. But they develop a bit mire structure, and when you have reached ... more/mehr


Confession Life and Death
Formed in 2008, Australian metalcore band Confession is still quite unknown in Europe, although “Life and Death” is already the Aussie´s second fully-fledged album (along with the debut EP). By the way, the band´s mastermind, Michael Crafter, was the singer of I Killed The Prom Queen until he left IKTPQ in 2007 and formed Confession. ... more/mehr



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