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Anima The Daily Grind
"The Daily Grind" was originally planned as an EP, but ended up as a full-length after the guys had been signed to Metalblade Records - well nevertheless quite a short CD with 33 minutes. Even though you might expect some Grindcore due to the cover and title of the record, it´s rather Deathcore the Anima guys from Thuringia ... more/mehr


Animal Alpha You Pay For The Whole Seat But You´ll Only Need The Edge
Just judging visually by the band photo, one might expect a Rocky Horror Show / German Industrial Goth crossover, luckily this is not quite the case. The music of Animal Alpha has much more to do with Backyard Babies and/or My Chemical Romance: Quite aggressive progressive Rock´n´Roll with influences of Emo-Punk. Just the opener ... more/mehr


Animus Mortis Thresholds Of Insanity
Honestly, I have no clue who in Black Metal-scene has it that BM must sound crappy (which isn´t true). I assume it was some marketing jerk hoping that a lot of people believe it, so that he is able to sell more of his own records that are the only ones offering a better sound... Anyway, obviously Animus Mortis DID believe that rumour. ... more/mehr


ANJ With Honor To Live
Despite the fact that the Iron Curtain had vanished quite a long time ago, Metal bands from Russia still have the air of something exotic. And you can hardly ever see Russian bands playing live somewhere... However, ANJ from Moscov, founded in 2003, have alrady played at Finnish Metal Expo 2006, „With Honor To Live“ is their second ... more/mehr


Anna María Saknad Fornaldar
On her debut album “Saknad Fornaldar“, Anna María is using Icelandic poems that are between 100 and 300 years old. Only two are younger and were written by Icelandic poet Sölvi Björn Sigurdsson. For anyone who does not know how to speak Icelandic, there are English translations of the lyrics. The title means “Missing the ancient ... more/mehr



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English Deutsch STALKER MAGAZINE inside out of rock´n´roll